Book headspace

headspace offers presentations and workshops about children, young people, and mental distress.
At headspace, we meet children and young people every day who need someone to talk to. Our youth counselors have great insight into what happens in a young person’s life, what can contribute to mental distress among many children and young people, and, most importantly, how we as adults can help initiate the dialogue together with them.
If you are a teacher, educator, parent, or simply curious about the well-being and mental health promotion of children and young people, you can book your local headspace center for a presentation or workshop.
Are you a priest and interested in talking about faith, thoughts, and well-being with your confirmands? Then read more about the mindU initiative here.
What can you learn more about?
headspace offers a wide range of presentations that address many of the challenges, concerns, and circumstances that children and young people face in their everyday lives.
We cover a variety of topics such as performance pressure, body and health, social media, conflicts, and relationships with friends and family.
It is possible to book headspace for both a presentation and a workshop. We visit schools, institutions, parent events, and other places where you want to learn more about children, young people, and mental well-being.
Fill out the form below., and you will be contacted by your nearest headspace center. You can also contact your nearest center directly and together we’ll figure out how to create the best presentation or workshop for you.
It is also possible to book headspace for a presentation about what headspace is and what we offer through our counseling services.
It is completely free to book headspace.
What can you learn more about?
headspace offers a wide range of presentations that explore the challenges, concerns, and circumstances children and young people encounter in their daily lives.
We cover a variety of topics such as performance pressure, body and health, social media, conflicts, and relationships with friends and family.
It is possible to book headspace for both a presentation and a workshop. We visit schools, institutions, parent events, and other places where you want to learn more about children, young people, and mental well-being.
Fill out the form below, and your nearest headspace center will contact you. You can also reach out to your local center directly, and together we will find the best way to create a presentation or workshop tailored to your needs.
It is also possible to book headspace for a presentation about what headspace is and what we offer through our counseling services.
It is completely free to book headspace.
Send your inquiry via the form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that the workshop is not booked until you have received a response from headspace.
Workshop aimed at vocational and upper secondary education institutions
No young person should face problems alone
– Workshop on managing your own well-being.
Have the conversation about mental well-being in the classroom and learn more about mental health.
Book headspace for a 2-hour workshop, where, through fun and motivating exercises, we increase students’ knowledge about mental health and well-being. how to maintain mental health based on, among other things, stress management, self-care strategies, and healthy coping mechanisms. ABC for mental health-promoting understanding, Knowledge about micro-actions., Knowledge about oneself, Normalization of vulnerability., Reflection on one’s own well-being micro-actions / well-being needs. and Increased well-being agency..
The workshop is centered around the board game ‘#WhenSomethingMakesYouHappy,’ which is a reflection game developed based on a health-promoting understanding of well-being.
This means that the game attempts to ask the question, “What gives your life meaning, joy, and value?” The game is specifically based on the ABC for Mental Health principles: “Do something active,” “Do something together,” and “Do something meaningful.”

Book a workshop here
BE AWARE OF: This workshop is based on #WhenSomethingMakesYouHappy. If you want to book another headspace workshop, please contact your nearest center.
Fill out the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that the workshop is not booked until you have received a confirmation from headspace.
Find your nearest headspace below
Click on your headspace center to get the contact details.