Nordic headspace Conference Gave Youth a Voice and Highlighted Smart Investments
Nordic headspace 2024: Let’s invest in mental health
Nordic headspace Conference Highlighted Youth Mental Health
On Monday, Copenhagen’s Royal Danish Playhouse hosted the first Nordic headspace conference in Denmark. The event brought together researchers, politicians, business leaders, and young people from across the Nordic countries to discuss investments in youth mental health.
Finance Minister Nicolai Wammen opened the conference with a speech emphasizing the importance of prioritizing mental well-being, not only as a minister but also as a father. The musician URO set the tone with heartfelt songs.
A key topic was the inclusion of young people in decision-making processes. The day’s debates included discussions on young people’s expectations of the labor market, presented by Christine Ravn Lund of the Danish Youth Council and Falck’s CEO Jakob Riis. A youth panel also shared their perspectives on challenges such as future uncertainty, finances, and well-being.
The conference featured international contributions, including insights from Professor Martin Knapp, who highlighted the economic benefits of investing in mental health, and WHO’s Cassie Redlich, who showcased effective health initiatives.
A heartfelt thanks to all participants and moderator Nynne Bjerre Christensen for an inspiring day that strengthened collaboration on youth mental well-being both in the Nordics and globally. As founder Poul Nyrup Rasmussen concluded: “Those who give much, receive much.”